In the afternoons, I hang out in the library (the BIB) and play games with kids, read to them in Spanish and try to get involved in craft type activities. Sometimes we play games in the yard and on Friday I was the wolf in an Ecuadorean version of 'what's the time Mr Wolf'. Lots of fun and I scarily quite enjoy spending time with the little ones. At night, I teach a Spanish class to an odd selection of local tourist guides, hotel owners, single mums and teenage girls. Their standards are so different it is quite a challenge. Otherwise, I am heading up the publicity activity for our upcoming Ciro de Los Titeres (circus of the puppets). I managed to write a press release in Spanish last week and have lined up a radio interview and free coverage in the local rag - actually a ten page photocopied newsletter, reminscent of school newspapers.
In total, none of this takes up more than 3 or 4 hours a day and my weekends are free. So, lots of time for hiking, visiting the hot spring baths, taking a few Spanish lessons, cooking and playing cards. It really is an easy life.