Back on my own again was time to crank up my Spanish and rediscover my masculinity. Off to a pool hall then, for a few rounds of the strange Honduran game. The balls are placed around the cushions and then you pot them in order, receiving the points on each ball. So, pot the last 3 or 4 high scorers, which I did once, and you are likely to win.
After leaving for a dinner break, I bizarrely landed an invite to the mayor´s house to watch USA vs Honduras (who lost 2-0 sadly) and drink beer. About ten guys sat in the lounge room (doctors, architects, businessmen), chatting about football and politics (I kept quiet then), whilst the women of the house trooped in periodically with plates of greasy, meaty food. Otherwise, they were quite correctly banished to the kitchen. Highly amusing.
Two days of doing nothing here, and off I went again in the direction of Guatemala city. Lots of time spent on local buses followed, listening to an assortement of intestinal pill spruikers and evangelical preachers who take position at the front of the bus and rant. An uneventful night in Santa Rosa de Copan and, behold, I was back in Guatemala.
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