In a country famed for its pristine natural environment and idyllic beaches, not to mention coffee, it's a shame I only set foot in the capital of Costa Rica. Though inoffensive, the city of San Jose (another one) offers little for the casual day-tripper. The centre is neither colonially elegant nor thrillingly modern and so even the locals struggle to recommend an itinerary. Once into the outskirts, it is impossible to distinguish it from suburban California... malls, fast food chains, freeways and a 50:50 mix of signs in English and Spanish. Certainly a notch ahead of the rest of Central America in terms of economic development. But in a good way? I am not sure.
Luckily, I was hosted by a great fella from Equador, who wasted little time plying me with great roast pork, ensuring I was sipping guero, the local firewater tipple, and hanging with the locals. Having said that, in one bar (El Rey), the crowd comprised a regional convention of Latin American escorts and overweight, sweaty US businessmen. We didn't stay long.
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