Friday, October 9, 2009

Bogota (Colombia) - working 9-5 or not

It's been three weeks now working in this gigantic city (which I really must write about one day) and it is amazing what you can do by just speaking the language of your birth. People are crying out here for Engish classes, although unfortunately a network of good, bad and damnright ugly outfits take the lion share of the work.

Fees for classes range from 80,000 pesos an hour ($40) per person to almost nothing, depending on the set-up. Either way, the teacher usually gets only a small percentage of this fee. I am happy with the $10 an hour my main college offers, but one place tried to lure me into working full-time for just $100 a week teaching large groups. God knows how much they must make out of that. Needless to say, I am actively looking for private students to cut out the middleman (disintermediation I believe) with a shabby marketing plan of classified ads, posters on lamp-posts and good old word-of-mouth.

My line of work largely comprises visiting people in their luxury appartments, being greeted by an army of maids, drivers, security guards and cleaners, then chatting to them for a few hours. I make up a few exercises and print a few stories from the web to liven things up. But it really is a mug's game and a great way for me to drag out this journey into 2010.

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